Although we would like to always offer donation refunds indefinitely, it is not possible because nearly all the donations are allocated to research grant awardee's working hard to find a cure for autosomal recessive HIBM (aka IBM2/DMRV). Nevertheless, we encourage you to immediately inform us when a donation should be refunded, we will do our best to accommodate your wishes.
You may ask for refund of your donation with a signed written request within the first 30 days following each donation. Please fax your request to ARM's fax number at (818) 337-7250. Please also call us at (800) ARM-2000 for any questions and suggestions, or just to ensure that we have received your request.
A copy of the latest financial report and registration filed by Advancement of Research for Myopathies (ARM) can be obtained by contacting ARM, PO BOX 261926, Encino, CA 91426-1926, or (800) ARM-2000.